Future Stories Community Outreach
An introduction to how we can help you with social mobility
Service Description
Future Stories is a social mobility project working in partnership with local primary schools. The aim of the Future Stories project is to ensure that Grammar Schools are full of high ability students from a range of social and economic backgrounds, who are eager to reach their future story goals. Our target is to substantially increase the number of pupil premium pupils and looked after pupils who register to take the Grammar School entrance test. We are fully aware of the disruptions caused to children’s learning throughout the pandemic which have been beyond everyone’s control. At FSCE we are dedicated to supporting our local communities and want to address this learning gap. We can help you set up a familiarisation programme including weekly online sessions and face to face sessions, with the objective of inspiring pupils to take the entrance test. In addition, we can help you set up an annual Summer Camp during the August holidays for all entrance test applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds. The main objectives of the Future Stories programme are: 1. To develop the leadership skills, capacity and capability of students currently at your school, by working in partnership with state primary schools. 2. To raise aspirations and widen access to your School for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We are keen to address social mobility. We want all Grammar Schools to represent the full diversity of backgrounds that children come from. We believe that there are able, clever children across the UK who do not have the same opportunity to succeed as those from more privileged backgrounds and at FSCE we want to attempt to do something about that. One of our first customers, Reading School, features on the UK Social Mobility Awards' Roll of Honour, underpinning the fact that we are helping to ensure that every child has a chance to succeed. The Roll of Honour is to recognise our contribution through our Future Stories Programme.
Contact Details
0118 9015600
c/o Reading School, Erleigh Road, Reading, RG1 5LW
Future Stories Community Enterprise Ltd
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